In Part I, I began work on an emulator for the Vectrex video game system - if you have not read Part I you should do that first. In this post I will start out by creating a boilerplate layout for the project and fill in some user interface parts - so… read more.
Emulation is the recreation of a system in enough detail and with enough accuracy that software designed for that system can run on an entirely different system by way of that emulator. In other words it's a piece of software that runs on one… read more.
The Zapper does work with modern TVs, at least it does on our Plasma TV - I can imagine it would work on an OLED TV, but I don't have one to test it on :) (Volunteers welcome.) The zapper did not work with our LCD TV or any laptop screen I tried it… read more.
The Guncon 3 is a light gun for the Play Station 3 that was bundled with Time Crisis 4. It is a USB device with two joysticks, 9 buttons and an IR LED based pointer (similar to the Wiimote). It is only compatible with the PS3 games Time Crisis 4 (TC… read more.
In a recent Hackaday post they spoke about bringing the old NES game Duck Hunt back to life on modern televisions (LCD/Plasma/OLED). As I had a few NES Zappers lying around and an Oscilloscope, I figured I could do some experiments to determine the… read more.